I am referring to the seperate beds of course.
I used to think it was weird and incredibly prudish when watching those old reruns and the couples had seperate beds- The DVD show is the only that one that immediately comes to mind, but I know there were others. I believe there was even an FCC rule that forbade TV shows to show a couple in bed together(please correct if wrong) I remember hearing once that it was a big deal when MTM showed her slender ankles wearing those tight-fitting capris she seemed so fond of... how far we have come, huh?
As I've grown older and spent a good deal of time trying to sleep next to someone every night, I have come to envy Rob and Laura's set-up, I would actually endeavour to take it a step further and relocate to a whole other room to partake in the sweet slumber.
My wife likes to sleep with the TV on, she seems to be comforted by the light and hum coming from the tube... I don't know, this is maddening to me.
Firstly, late-night viewing has become as much of a wasteland as daytime programming, but we are here for sleeping right? The continuous flashing of images and light changes bombards me and seems multiplied by thousands when I am trying to sleep and I can never turn the volume down enough without muting and if I do that, she stirs or wakes, wondering what is going on.
I would rather lie in bed reading for a bit to relax then switch off the lights and drift off, if only...
Back to Rob and Laura, they always seemed happy right? All those old TV couples did... Meanwhile my parents are divorced as are most of my friends and relatives parents and I'm sure they never slept in seperate beds. I know my parents did not. Just sayin'...
I wonder if even the mere suggestion of such a thing would lead to finding myself joing the throngs of divorcees. Well at least I would get to what I wanted in the bed...well most of what I want to do in the boudoir...
That's all I have to say about that.
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